

Feb 07th, 2018

Among the posters presented during BBEST, 9 were chosen to receive the "BBEST Award" in the categories Master Student, PhD Student and Post-Doctor.

The winners received a certificate and a copy of the book "SCOPE Bioenergy & Sustainability".

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Abstracts accepted by BBEST 2017 may be selected for a Special Issue in Biomass & Bioenergy

Jan 10th, 2018

Biomass & Bioenergy will publish a Special issue devoted to the conference and falling within the scope of the journal. Authors of abstracts that were accepted by the conference as oral or poster presentation are invited to submit their original research to the Journal. Only abstracts accepted and presented at the conference will be considered for publication in the Special Issue. Submitted manuscripts will follow the usual review process of the journal.

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G-Bib competition Brazilian semi-finals revealed innovative talents and great Business plans

July 09th, 2017

The Global-BioBased competition (G-BiB) had the Brazilian semi-finals on Monday, 3rd July at the FAPESP auditorium in São Paulo, Brazil. The event had the support of Be-Basic, BBEST, BIOEN and FAPESP.

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New ideas for overcoming global challenges


GCB Bioenergy is an international journal publishing original research papers, review articles and commentaries that promote understanding of the interface between biological and environmental sciences and the production of fuels directly from plants, algae and waste.

The scope of the journal extends to areas outside of biology to policy forum, socioeconomic analyses, technoeconomic analyses and systems analysis.

GCB Bioenergy is a fully Open Access journal with an Impact Factor of 4.655.

For more information on GCB Bioenergy please visit

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Masterclass of G-BiB competition in Brazil

May 10th, 2017

The Masterclass of the first edition of the Global Biobased Business competition (G-BiB) for the Brazilian teams took place on Wednesday, May 10th, at Institute of Chemistry at University of São Paulo (USP) in São Paulo, Brazil. This interesting and intensive day was full of presentations and workshops with the focus on developing a solid business plan.

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Concurso premiará melhor modelo de negócios baseado em iniciativa voltada à criação de produtos renováveis de forma sustentável; vencedor será anunciado durante a BBEST 2017

May 04, 2017

Elton Alisson | Agência FAPESP – Estudantes de mestrado e doutorado, com ideias inovadoras nas áreas de biocombustíveis e biomateriais, aprenderão como estruturar um modelo de negócios que transforme os projetos em produtos, processos e serviços de interesse do mercado.

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Interaction with the industry is in the forefront of BBEST 2017

March 24, 2017

In addition to the already traditional strong scientific program, BBEST 2017 will foster a greater interaction with the industry.

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News on the Brazilian branch edition of the Kick-off G-BiB competition

March 10, 2017

After a successful kick-off of the Global Biobased Business Competition (G-BiB) involving German and Dutch teams, which had previously occurred on January in Wageningen (The Netherlands), last Friday, March 10th, Brazilian teams had the opportunity to officially kick-off and engage the competition.

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Contact Coordination Organization Promotion

Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular
Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes 748 - Bloco 3 superior, Sala 367
Butantã - São Paulo - SP - Brazil - CEP 05508-000

Phone/fax: +55 11 3815 5798 | E-mail: