BBEST CONFERENCE 2011 - Tutoriais - August 14, 2011 |
Theme |
Proposed Program |
Invited Lecturers |
Tutorial 1
(morning) |
Photosynthesis |
1. Science of photosynthesis:
- Light Capture
- C4 photosynthesis;
- Photosynthesis and Bioenergy;
- Photosynthesis and Global Climate Change;
- Source-sink relationships in Sugarcane.
1. Daniel Bush, Colorado State University, USA;
2. René Nome - UNICAMP |
Tutorial 2
(afternoon) |
Sugarcane Breeding and
Agricultural Practices |
1. Sugarcane Biology and Genetics:
- Germplasm and Traditional Breeding;
- Agricultural Trait Characterization and Selection Process;
- Marker-assisted Breeding;
- Cultivar Legislation.
2. An overview of sugarcane production:
- Field planning;
- Field practices;
- Harvesting solutions;
- Traffic reduction for sugarcane mechanization.
1. Paul Moore - Hawaii Agricultural Research Center(EUA);
2. Oscar Braunbeck - CTBE (BRAZIL). |
Tutorial 3
(morning) |
Advanced Biofuels I -
Ethanol Production |
Ethanol production from sugarcane (advanced
- Current technology;
- Integration with sugar production;
- Co-generation of bioelectricity;
- Innovations and technological breakthroughs;
- Ethanol production from corn and other raw-materials.
Luiz Augusto Horta Nogueira - UNIFEI (BRAZIL). |
Tutorial 4
(afternoon) |
Advanced Biofuels II -
Cellulosic Ethanol |
Ethanol production from lignocellulosic materials:
- Biochemical Route - Enzymatic Hydrolysis;
- Biochemical Route - current Status and Research Strategy;
- Thermochemical Route - Current Status and Research Strategy;
- 1st and 2nd Generation Integration Strategy.
1. Antonio Bonomi - CTBE (BRAZIL);
2. Steve Long - EBI |
Tutorial 5
(morning) |
Biorefineries |
Biorefineries concepts, raw materials and
- Biorefinery Technologies;
- Sugar and ethanol-based biorefineries;
- Green chemistry;
- Optimization of biorefinery alternatives.
1. Rubens Maciel Filho - UNICAMP (BRAZIL);
2. Wolfgang Marquardt - Aachen Univ (Germany) |
Tutorial 6
(afternoon) |
Ethanol Engines |
Ethanol uses as fuel:
- Ethanol ignition/engine;
- Brazilian experience: - mixture with gasoline and flex-fuel;
- Diesel applications;
- Emissions reduction with ethanol use.
1. Francisco B. Nigro - IPT (BRAZIL);
Tutorial 7
(morning) |
Sustainability I -
Environment |
International bioenergy sustainability agenda:
- Energy ratio (fossil / renewable)
- GHG emissions reduction with biofuels production and use;
- Land use changes - dLUC and iLUC;
- Water resources (availability and quality) impacts.
1. Jeremy Woods - Imperial College (UK)
2. Arnaldo Walter - UNICAMP(BRAZIL)
Tutorial 8
(afternoon) |
Sustainability II - Socio-
Economics of Biofuels |
Economic aspects related to bioethanol
production and use:
- Economic aspects of sugarcane ethanol production;
- Social benefits of Brazilian sugarcane ethanol program;
- Ethanol global market;
- Comparison of different strategies for ethanol
production and use. |
1. Marcia Azanha - ESALQ/USP (BRAZIL);
2. Annie Chimphango - Stellenbosch University (South Africa). |