Poster (Painel)
405-1 | Energetic Balance in Arabidopsis thaliana: insight into glucose and Abscisic Acid interaction | Authors: | Vincentz M (UNICAMP - Universidade Estadual de Campinas) |
Resume To optimize their growth and development, plants, as sessile organisms, have developed a range of efficient mechanisms to sense and respond adequately to ever changing environmental conditions. Photosynthetic-derived sugars represent important signals, which, in combination with developmental and environmental cues, such as mineral nutrition, water availability or pathogens attacks, influence the use of energy resources to ensure survival and propagation. Interaction between developmental, hormonal and sugar regulatory signals is deeply involved in growth control and ultimately in biomass production. We will present and discuss data revealing new aspects of the cross talk between glucose and Abscisic Acid signaling pathways.ഀ
Keyword: Arabidopsis thaliana, ABA, Glucose, Regulatory network |