Oral (Tema Livre)
340-1 | Bioenergy and Biofuels in Austria | Authors: | Woergetter, M. (FJ-BLT - FJ-BLT Wieselburg) |
Resume Bioenergy and Biofuels in Austriaഀ
Manfred Woergetter, www.bioenergy2020.eu ഀ
Renewable Energy (RE) plays a significant role in the Austria energy scenario and will be increased from 28 % in 2008 to 34 % in 2020. In 2009, 51 % of the RE came from biomass, 49 % from hydropower and 5 % from the environment (wind, geothermal, solar, ambient energy); transport biofuels (ethanol and biodiesel) reached 6.6 %.ഀ
The success is based on a favorable framework. RE is widely accepted by the citizens and pushed by the policy since the eighties. Strong R&D efforts financed by the state and private enterprises have resulted in advanced technologies (solar heat, biomass for power, heat and transport fuel).ഀ
The contribution includes basic data on RE production, use and legal regulation (including the influence of the European Renewable Energy Directive) with a special focus on energy from biomass. Emphasis will be laid on actual R&D projects on synthetic biofuels like biomethane, mixed alcohols, bio-Fischer-Tropsch fuels an on the production of bio-hydrogen for the integration in a fossil fuel refinery. Additionally the scope of the Austrian Bioenergy 2020+ Competence Centre, the leading Austrian bioenergy research institution, will be presented.ഀ
Keyword: Renewable Energy, biomethane, biofuels, Tropsch |